a melodic hard-hitting rock band from boston


Formed in 2016, the group's sonic repertoire pulls from influences ranging from classic rock to heavy metal, igniting a sound that is fast, passionate, and powerful.


The first seeds of Lotus Ignite were planted way back in 2003 in Walpole, Massachusetts, when Mike Dedrick and Russ Jones first decided to jam after discussing their mutual love of hard rock music in a middle school classroom instead of listening to their substitute English teacher. The duo quickly developed a potent chemistry while learning the ways of rock n roll together. After years of cycling through several bassists and singers, the twosome finally found bandmates who seamlessly complemented and enhanced their brand of rock n roll. With the addition of the pop punk edge of Nick Glavin and the grunge-filled power of Dave Linehan, Lotus Ignite was born in 2016 from a diversity of influences across the rock spectrum.

Nick Glavin - Bass Guitar

Glavin picked up the bass guitar at the young age of 13. His influential bassists include Mark Hoppus, Joe Principe, and Nikki Sixx. Glavin unites the worlds of pop punk, hardcore, and hair metal on a melodic crash course to destruction. He lives on stage right now, can recite the English alphabet backwards, and is one of several humans who still listens to mid-2000's emo music.

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Russ Jones - Drums

Russ was an avid BMX racer as a kid, earning quite a collection of trophies right up until the age of 12, when he discovered just how fun it is to beat the ever-living crap out of a drum kit. Inspired by a vast array of drummers including Lars Ulrich, Danny Carey, Neil Peart, and Carter Beauford, one thing remains constant in Russ' play style: power. Rumor has it that he once obliterated a crash symbol with a single swing of a drum stick, leaving shards of metal stuck in that basement ceiling to this day.

Mike Dedrick - Guitar

Mike fell in love with music when he first discovered Metallica's Master of Puppets at the age of 12. It was seemingly impossible to him that someone could play the guitar that fast while having it sound SO cool. Mike began to idolize great guitarists, such as Slash, Steve Vai, Jimmy Page, and Joe Perry. Noticing Mike's love for the instrument, his parents bought him his first guitar when he was 14, and he has hardly put it down ever since. Two weeks after beginning to play, he started jamming with Russ, and Mike immediately recognized that he would need a bigger amp to match Russ' thunder.

Dave linehan - vocals

Dave began his musical journey by taking classical piano lessons at the ripe age of seven. By the time he was twelve, his musical palette expanded into the genres of pop, rock, and metal. Over the years, he has honed his songwriting abilities both as the singer of various bands and as a solo artist. During his years at college, Dave taught himself the art of music production. Today, he writes, mixes, and produces an array of music, most notably as the singer and front man of the hard rock outfit, Lotus Ignite.